Universal Health Services: $535 Million Verdict in Pavilion Rape Case Involving 13-year-old

October 8, 2024

A Champaign County (Illinois) jury awarded a $535 million verdict to a girl who was raped when she was 13 years old at a psychiatric residential treatment center after Simon Law Firm attorneys proved the facility could have prevented the 2020 attack. It took the jury 6 ½ hours to deliver its verdict – one of the largest awards in Illinois history. The jury awarded $60 million in compensatory damages — $20 million for the child’s “loss of normal life” and $40 million for her “pain and suffering.” It also included $475 million in punitive damages against the defendant, Pavilion Behavioral Health System, which operated the facility where the assault happened. It is an Illinois-based subsidiary of for-profit hospital operator Universal Health Services. The trial lasted eight days in March 2024.

Read the entire story here.


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