State of Arizona suspends license of counselor Willis Beasley

June 1, 2011

On April 7, 2011 the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners suspended the license of professional counselor Willis Beasley for 12 months for various failures relative to his involvement in counseling the children of parents involved in a hostile custody battle. 

According to the Board’s document, Beasley “failed to remain neutral in this matter.  He testified in court on Father’s behalf and wrote a To Whom It May Concern letter recommending modification of Mother’s parenting time and limiting her to supervised visitation,” despite having minimal interaction with the Mother, and “provided and opinion that Mother’s parenting time should be terminated pending successful treatment for her ‘mental problems’.” 

Additionally, the Mother’s attorney referred the Mother and Daughter to Beasley to obtain an evaluation and report regarding Daughter’s allegations of maltreatment by the Father. 

Beasley documented that he recommended to the Mother to make a CPS report but he himself failed to report Daughter’s report to CPS, as required. 

Upon Mother’s attempt to contact Beasley to obtain clinical records, they learned he had closed his practice without providing notice. 

At least two other clients contacted the Board after they were unable to locate Beasley to obtain their records.

Source: Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners Adverse Action Tracking Form, April 2011.


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