Psychologist Charlotte Higgins-Lee surrenders license over custody evaluation

November 29, 2012

On July 20, 2012, psychologist Charlotte Higgins-Lee surrendered her license to practice to the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners According to the Board’s document, in late 2010, Higgins-Lee received a referral to conducted a psychological evaluation of a father and his nine-year-old daughter and to testify in a January 2011 hearing concerning custody and parenting time. Though the custody matter concerned the father, daughter and father’s ex-spouse (the daughter’s mother), Higgins-Lee did not interview the mother (though she interviewed the father, daughter and others). Nonetheless, she concluded that the father should have sole custody and that “more information should be obtained on the mother’s alcohol use/abuse and violence,” among other statements critical of the mother, whom she had never met or interviewed. The Board proposed a reprimand, civil fine of $7,500 and requirement to practice under supervision for a minimum of six months. However, Higgins-Lee later agreed to a new stipulated agreement to surrender her license to the Board.


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