Iowa psychiatrist Jeffrey Jackson surrenders license for prescribing violations

July 25, 2007

On July 25, 2007, Iowa psychiatrist Jeffrey A. Jackson voluntarily surrendered his license to the Iowa Board of Medicine. On October 8, 1998, the Board charged Dr. Jackson with indiscriminately prescribing controlled drugs to a patient without performing an appropriate examination and without maintaining adequate medical records. He was issued a reprimand, ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and was required to fully comply with appropriate prescribing practices. The Board recently received information indicating that Dr. Jackson’s excessive use of drugs and/or alcohol impairs his ability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety, that he violated appropriate physician-patient boundaries on numerous occasions, and improperly prescribed, administered and/or dispensed controlled drugs. Dr. Jackson voluntarily surrendered his Iowa medical license to resolve this matter. 1

1 Press release of Iowa Board of Medicine, July 25, 2007.


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