Vermont psychologist accused of 11 professional conduct violations

November 20, 2017

Charles Sprague Simonds, a psychologist in Vermont who was the clinical director at a drug treatment center that is now closed, has been accused of 11 professional conduct violations by Vermont's Office of Professional Regulation after creating a "hostile work and treatment environment" through a pattern of disturbing conduct.

Simonds is accused of making comments about female patients, calling them "whores" or saying they look "sexy" and asking inappropriate details about their sex lives.  He's accused of yelling and physically intimidating patients. Some refused to file complaints fearing he would pull their treatment opportunities.

Staff at the facility told the state that Simonds routinely threatened, cursed and yelled at them, calling them derogatory names like "retarded," "monkeys," "fat and lazy," and threatening to fire them at will while sexually harassing female subordinates.

If a licensing review board decides the state has proven its case of unprofessional conduct, Simond's discipline could range from a reprimand to a revocation of his license.

SOURCE: Jennifer Costa, "Disturbing allegations against psychologist at Vt. treatment center," WCAX, 17 Nov 2017,


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