Nearly 100 complaints in three days against psychiatrist Graham Burrows
July 20, 2011
According to the June 23, 2011 Herald Sun (Australia), the Medical Council of Victoria is monitoring allegations made by patients against University of Melbourne psychiatric professor Graham Burrows.
According to a television news investigation, nearly 100 people came forward against Burrows in a three-day period, with complaints including over-medicating, conducting 30 second consultations and having conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies.
The Director of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council called for the Victorian Government to launch an independent review of Burrows’ practice.
Source: Lucie van den Berg, “Heat turns on Melbourne University Professor amid allegations,” Herald Sun, June 23, 2011.
He used my mum to promote himself in the heard sun. I also witnessed the annorexic patients he treated.....scary stuff!!!
My inner voice was always right, even now saying no to the experiment vaccination, today. After witnessing what these drugs can do to people.
I will never ever trust psychiatrists.
They work for big pharma!!!
Low and behold he was connected to Astra zenneca. You killed my mum, but saved me by deplorable mistreatment.
It's not public knowledge but this bastard actually took his own life!
Good riddance.
I feel for the others that came into contact with this weak parasite.
I can't stop hearing him say to people in his silver tounge, condescending manner, as he pointed to his crappy little pin he would put into his jacket collar....."I bet you haven't seen one of these before! Do you know what it is? No, of course you dont. It's an order of Australia"!
Pompous Git.
A close family member organised an appointment for me to see Prof Burrows. Initial consultation comprised on me filling out a lengthy questionnaire and then a face to face with Prof Burrows (15 min.) He admitted me to the Melbourne Clinic where I remained for the next 6 weeks.
I was placed Xanax and the 6 week admission now seems like a bad dream.
Prof Burrows would stick his head in the room each morning but it was more like a head count, not any sort of consultation. If I did try to raise concerns with him he would say that he was pressed for time and we could discuss it on his next visit. This was his standard response.
There came a day that I was so frustrated with his response that I wrote my concerns on a post-it note and attached it to his jacket. This outraged him as it was done in front of the other patients that I shared the room with.
During the next week an appointment was had with Prof Burrows in a private office. The purpose of the consultation was to discuss the option of having shock therapy. As I had witnessed other fellow patients having this procedure I declined the treatment.
I had 2 more stays at the Melb Clinic under Prof Burrows that year and continued taking Xanax.
A close friend suggested getting a 2nd opinion as she had concerns as to how heavily medicated I was. I took her advice and my new psychiatrist promptly weaned me off Xanax, put me on an antidepressant and referred me to a psychologist, something Prof Burrows never did.
In my opinion Prof Burrows' did not treat me or help me, all he did was over medicate me and was never interested in the underlying issues that had caused my breakdown.
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